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lipu qingxiang bamboo and wood co.,ltd

Company Profile
Founded in 1998 LIPU qingxiang bamboo and wood Co.,ltd county,Guilin.GuangXi.Provice .the largest manfacturing base of clothes hanger and wooden hanger in China.We specialize in producting and selling wooden Clothes hanger ,We focuse on manufacturing 6series with more than 500 types of products ,among which series of laminated hangers and bamboo hangers are our product specialities.
As one of the largest domestic enterprises with foreign trade license to Europe .USA and other countries we received a goo...
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Contact Us
Company: lipu qingxiang bamboo and wood co.,ltd
Contact: Ms. Jennifer cao
Address: LICHENG
Postcode: 546600
Tel: 86-773-7230323
Fax: 86-773-7230099


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Tel : 86-773-7230323 Fax : 86-773-7230099
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